An Untitled Simpsons Episode–that I’m working on

Below is and untitled episode of Simpsons I am working on. This is for fun. I am not employed by the people at The Simpsons, that’d be cool if I was, but this is not licensed from them. This is an idea I have had for a month or so now. Most of it came from Kevin Smith saying he would absolutely love to be on an episode of The Simpsons. I am not able to actually make that happen, but I do think I can attempt a decent teleplay for how an episode with him on there should be, in this moment of time. So in three to five years this teleplay may not work. I am not finished and below is not even all that I do have done. I just wanted to get a small taste out there to see what anyone might think. So here it goes.

The Simpsons is of course © of Fox and Matt Groening and all that other legal stuff. So this is just for fun.

Please read what you can. This is not the full teleplay, but I ended up including a lot. Thanks.

(insert Kevin Smith as a Simpsons Character.)

(I haven’t gotten around to drawing that yet, so for now, use your imagination. I know that’s a lot to ask.)

                                Untitled Simpson Episode


                                      Jeffrey Hale

                                          ACT ONE

               FADE IN:

               INT. AIRPLANE - COACH                          SCENE 1 

               Homer is walking through the aisle of the plane and bumping
               people with his bag.


                         Sorry. Sorry. Oops sorry. Sorry.
               Homer finds his seat and sits down. Homer struggles to get
               in his seat pulling the arm rest up. He breathes in deep and
               wiggles his ass into the seat. Then he pushes the arm rest
               on top of his flap which is hanging over the seat. Bart runs
               through the aisle and sits in the seat next to Homer, also
               sitting on the flap of fat on the seat. 

                                      HOMER (CONT'D)


                         Why you little!
               Homer grabs Bart by his throat and starts choking him


                           (WHILE MAKING CHOKING NOISES)

                         I didn't mean to.
               Bart flips the latch holding the tray table and it drops on
               Homer's legs. It startles Homer.

               Homer screams.
               Homer lets go of Bart's throat. Bart runs away down the
               aisle into the first class section.
               Homer readjusts himself in the seat, putting the tray table
               back up. He pulls an MP3 player out, puts ear phones in and
               starts the player.

                                      KEVIN SMITH

                                 (THROUGH THE EARPHONES.)

                         Welcome to Hollywood Babble on. I'm

                         Kevin Smith.

               INT. AIRPLANE - FIRST CLASS                      SCENE 2
               Bart walks through the bigger aisle of first class. As he
               goes from seat to seat he looks at each person.


                         Nobody. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody.
               Bart reaches the end of first class. He turns around and
               looks toward the exit.

                                      BART (CONT'D)

                         I guess that shows that no one of

                         interest ever comes to Springfield.

               INT. AIRPLANE - COACH                            SCENE 3
               Homer is looking through the sky mall magazine.


                                   (AT EVERY PAGE)

                         Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.
               He turns the page to a chair in the shape of a doughnut with
               pink frosting and sprinkles. The hole of the doughnut is
               where you sit down. It's advertised as a doughnut shaped
               gaming chair.

                                      HOMER (CONT'D)


               He opens his mouth, sticks his tongue out to the side, and

               A flight attendant walks up to Homer while he is still

                                      FLIGHT ATTENDANT

                         Excuse me sir. Could you come with me

                         for quick minute?

               Homer looks at the flight attendant.


                         Where are we going?

                                      FLIGHT ATTENDANT

                         I just need you to step over here for a


               The flight attendant points to the door of the plane.

               Homer gets up and follows the flight attendant over to the
               door of the plane.

                                      FLIGHT ATTENDANT (CONT'D)

                         I'm sorry sir, but I need you to leave

                         the plane.



                         What..what..what did I do?

               The flight attendant points toward door of the plane.

                                      FLIGHT ATTENDANT

                         You didn't do anything. I just need you

                         to leave the plane.

               Homer walks out the door toward the entrance of the


                         But what about my bag? The boy? We were

                         just going to Comic Con. 

                                      FLIGHT ATTENDANT

                         I will get your bag and your child.

               Homer reaches the end of the terminal.



                         I don't care about the boy. I just

                         don't want him to go without me.

               INT. AIRPORT - TERMINAL #15                    SCENE 4

               Homer stands in front of the desk of the terminal. On the
               desk it says WestNorth Airlines "We Get You Where You Need
               To Go Cheaply".


                         I don't understand why I had to leave. 

                                      WESTNORTH EMPLOYEE

                         Sir we just had concerns about you



                         Was it my MP3 player? I would have shut

                         it off before we took off. There were

                         others on their laptop.

                                      WESTNORTH EMPLOYEE

                         It wasn't the MP3 player sir. We will

                         do what we can to help with this


                         We just need that the next time you fly

                         WestNorth Airlines, that you buy two



                         I did buy two seats, one for me and one

                         for the boy.

                                      WESTNORTH EMPLOYEE

                         You will need to buy two seats for



                         Well that's just stupid. I can't sit in

                         two seats at the same time.

               Homer lifts his head and a thought bubble forms above his
               head. In the thought bubble there are two airplane seats.
               Homer in the thought bubble walks in and sits right in the
               middle of the two seats. The arm of one stabs him in the
               back. As the thought bubble Homer screams, the chairs turn
               into the doughnut chair. Homer stops screaming and takes a
               bite out of the chair.

               Zoom back out to Homer standing in front of the WestNorth

                                      HOMER (CONT'D)


                                      WESTNORTH EMPLOYEE

                         I'm sorry sir.

               The WestNorth Employee hands Homer a bunch of papers.

                                      WESTNORTH EMPLOYEE (CONT'D)

                         If you have any complaints, just send

                         them to the customer support.

                         The telephone number, email, and

                         twitter account is all on that paper.

                         As is the privacy policy for using

                         WestNorth Airlines. Thank you sir and

                         have a good day.

               Homer turns away from the WestNorth Employee and beside him
               is Bart with his bag and Homers bag.


                         So what the hell Homer? Why did we get

                         kicked off the plane? I only flushed

                         two army man down the toilet and only

                         harassed Bumble Bee man.


                         I don't know.


                         Maybe you're too fat to fly.


                         Why you little!

               Homer grabs Bart by the throat and starts choking him.


               (While making choking noises)

                         It happened to Kevin Smith. Don't you


               Homer stops choking Bart.

                                      BART (CONT'D)

                                  (CATCHING HIS BREATH.)

                         I told you not to take WestNorth.


                         But they were so cheap.

                                                         FADE OUT.

                                     END OF ACT ONE

                                         ACT TWO

               FADE IN:

               INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - DOORWAY                 SCENE 5
               Homer runs through the doorway with Bart following him.
               Marge and Lisa are in the living room.
               Marge is vacuuming the curtains. Lisa is reading a book on
               the floor.
               Homer runs into the living room.



                         What are you doing here Homer?


                                (FAST AND EXCITEDLY)

                         I got kicked off the plane and I don't

                         know why. It didn't seem to be the

                         boy's fault and

                               (HOMER TAKES A BREATH)

                         I really wanted to..


                         go to comic con.


                         What did you do?


                         I didn't do anything.


                         They had to have some reason to kick

                         you off.


                         He's too fat to fly.
               Homer runs at Bart and puts his hands around Bart's neck.


                         Why you little!


                         Homer stop!
               Homer looks at Marge before he starts to choke Bart

                                      MARGE (CONT'D)

                         Let go of him. You have gained some

                         extra weight the last month and I've

                         heard that plane companies are really

                         cracking down on the heftier customers.
               Homer still has his hands around Bart's neck.



                         But Marge, that's not fair. 

                                   (SERIOUS TONE) 

                         Just because I have a few extra pounds

                         doesn't mean that I shouldn't be able

                         to fly. It's not like my extra weight

                         will bring the plane.


                         Actually Homer you do weigh the same as

                         a small plane.


                         Why you little!
               Homer starts to choke Bart.
               Marge grabs a broom and uses the handle to separate Homer
               hands from Bart's throat.
               Homer sits down on the couch and pouts.

                                      HOMER (CONT'D)

                         I guess I will never get to meet Kevin

                         Smith and Frank Garmy. I love that

                         Garmy dude. He does so many good



                         Like there was this one time this dude

                         asked him to help him get his wife to

                         give up her…


                         Ok! Well why don't you try another way

                         to get to Comic Con?


                         What about Mr. Burns? He has a personal



                         Aww, but then he will know why I quit.


                         You quit? You said you took vacation



                         I told you that so you wouldn't get mad

                         and tell me I couldn't go.
               Marge rolls her eyes.


               Homer grabs Bart.


                         Come on boy. We are going to see the




                         We're going to see Bruce Springstein?

               Homer and Bart stand in front of Mr. Burns' desk with Burns
               sitting behind it and Smithers standing next to him.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         Let me get this straight. You want me

                         to let you borrow my jet to go


                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         Comic Con sir.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         Ah yes, Comic Con. Tell me Mr. Smithers

                         does this Mister (pause)

                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         Simpson sir, Homer Simpson.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         Simpson, eh. Does Simpson work for me?

                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         Well he did sir, in sector 4G, but he

                         quit this morning.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         He quit?

                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         Yes sir.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         Did he say why?

                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         No sir.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         Well I'll tell you what I'm going to do

                         Simpson. I like your guts. It took guts

                         to quit and then ask to use my jet.
               Mr. Burns throws Homer a key.

                                      MR. BURNS (CONT'D)

                         So use my jet to go to this Comic Con,

                         but first thing Monday morning you

                         better be here on time and no more



                         Thank you sir.
               Homer grabs Bart and run out of the office.

                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         But sir?

                                      MR. BURNS

                         I've decided Smithers. He doesn't get

                         any longer then Monday.

                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         But sir, should we really let him keep

                         his job.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         You just don't understand Smithers. I

                         see me in that man. What was his name


                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         Homer Simpson sir.

                                      MR. BURNS

                         Simpson eh. (beat) Well I'm spent

                         Smithers. I want to take a nap. Now

                         leave me and don't screw something up.

                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         Do you want me to tell you a story sir?

                                      MR. BURNS

                         I'm not a child Smithers. Now get me my


                                      MR. SMITHERS

                         Yes sir.

               INT. AIRPLANE HANGAR
               Homer and Bart stand outside Mr. Burns jet. On the side of
               the jet there's a picture of Mr. Burns, and the words
               "Burns' World" below the picture.


                         So where's the pilot?


                         We don't need no stinking pilot. Plus I

                         have one right here.
               Homer pulls a pen out of his shirt pocket and moves the pen
               around as if it is flying and making car like noises.


                         Seriously Homer. You can't fly the



                         I went to space.


                         But you didn't fly it.
               A guy walks by Homer and Bart.

                                      BART (CONT'D)

                         Hey you!




                         You a pilot?




                         He's flying Homer.



                         But I wanted to fly.


                         Homer give him the keys.



                         Ah, you're no fun.
               Homer throws the key to the Pilot.

                                      HOMER (CONT'D)

                         Take us to Comic Con.


                         Yes sir.
               The pilot opens the door to the plane. Homer, Bart, and the
               Pilot walk inside.

               EXT. AIRPORT
               The plane takes off.

               EXT. COMIC CON BUILDING                      SCENE 7


                         We finally made it boy.


                         Yeah, but what about the alien?


                         He can get his own ticket. I don't care

                         if he can bring a bird back to life.

               Homer and Bart walk toward the building.

               INT. COMIC CON                               SCENE 8

               Homer and Bart walk through the doors for comic con. They
               pass two Spock's, five Slave Princess Leia's and one


                         Dammit! I knew I forgot something.

               INT. SIMPSONS HOUSE
               Lying on Homer's bed is a Princess Leia white dress costume.
               Next to the costume, Maggie is sitting on the bed with the
               hair buns on her head.

               INT. COMIC CON
               Homer walks up to a guy in a Luke Skywalker costume.


                         Hey, you remember when I saved you from

                         the nerds?
               All noise in the building stops and everyone looks at Homer.

                                      HOMER (CONT'D)

                         Heh. I love nerds. Go dark side.
               The Luke Skywalker nerd points a green lightsaber replica at

                                      LUKE SKYWALKER NERD

                         I hope that you do not support the dark

                         side. My father died because of the

                         dark side.


               The Luke Skywalker nerd jumps back. Homer runs over to a
               kiosk and grabs a Statue of Liberty model from the Planet of
               the Apes

                                      HOMER (CONT'D)


                         You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn

                         you! God damn you all to hell!                                      
                                    LUKE SKYWALKER NERD                         
                         What a nerd.

               Everybody goes back to what they were doing before Homer
               spoke to the Luke Skywalker nerd.

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